Seeding a healthy and happy relationship with food
Starting with you, and your family to build a sustainable future with food.

At The Food Tree we're on a mission to change the narrative and create a better future for today’s children and those who play a part in raising them.
We imagine a world free of body shame and diet culture, where our children can grow into confident adults that feel comfortable in their own skin.
We want to help you raise children who have a positive relationship with food and their bodies bringing together over 40 years of combined knowledge and experience working with families. Backed by solid science and nutrition and proven strategies to help the next generation to flourish.
We offer a range of expertise to support you, your family and your community.

Support for you
Support for your family
Childcare and educators
We can help support you to have a healthy and happy relationship with your body and mind by providing you with expert advice and a dose of kindness.
We support families to help children develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies. We offer expert advice that will bring peace to your dinner table and family life.
With over 40 years of experience, we support teachers and professionals in the health and education sectors, to nurture the health and happiness of our youngest citizens.

Rachael Wilson,
co-founder of The Food Tree has been featured in:

My name is Rachael Wilson,
No one knows what the future holds for our little ones. I wish for a world where all bodies regardless of their shape, size, colour or gender can feel safe and develop a strong sense of self worth and self love having the skills to support not only their physical health but mental health as well. As parents I believe we can’t pour from an empty cup (even though for so many of us at the moment it feels like our cup is perpetually empty). We need to have the ability to support ourselves first so that we can be the change makers our children so desperately need.
Throughout nearly two decades as a dietitian (I still can't believe it's been that long since Uni!), I've always followed a slightly unconventional path. Growing up with a mum who’s a psychotherapist meant I was accustomed to discussing my "feelings" (which wasn't always my favourite thing as a teen). However, as I delved into the world of nutrition, I realised that food is more than just the sum of its nutrients. The way we eat, what we eat, and how we feel in our bodies encompasses a complex interplay of factors that shape both our physical and mental well-being.
My approach to nutrition has always been practical, pragmatic and BS free. There is no “right way to eat” that works for everybody (despite what every so-called nutritionist or influencer on social media might have to say about it).
I specialise in intuitive eating and mindful eating using a non-diet, Health at every size (HAES) approach to support people to find what works for them and the children they raise.
You are the expert of your journey, whether it comes to nourishing yourself or your family, or what works for your school or early childhood centre. My goal is to meet you with kindness, compassion and empathy, acknowledging your lived experience. I’m here to guide you toward the changes you wish to make in your relationship with food, your body, or how you feed your family, or the children in your care.